Empowering the Refugee Narrative and Championing Civic Engagement, Human Rights and Economic Freedom for all.

Our Pillars of Impact



The empowerment of vulnerable communities begins with education. We believe in equipping refugee communities with access and resources to knowledge in order to upskill themselves and uplift themselves from the shackles of poverty.

Economic Narrative

Citing IDEAS 2019 Report: we champion the economic impacts of granting refugees in Malaysia the right to work. This not only uplifts refugee communities, reduces threats of exploitation, improves overall health quality but also increases Malaysia’s annual GDP to over RM3 million by the year 2024.

Humanitarian Aid

In times of COVID-19, providing humanitarian aid in the form of basic necessities or medical assistance is never been more crucial. Research shows that refugees communities are the most vulnerable due to their lack of resources and unsanitary living conditions.


Community Building

Due to the lack of government recognition, refugee communities are most reliant to foreign aid programs. We believe in bridging the gap between refugee persons and local Malaysians through community building initiatives - tackling bias at the root.

Human Rights Policies

On ground initiatives and community building programs are pillars to tackling the refugee plight - however we champion Malaysia’s urgent need for proper policies to recognize and legitimize refugee persons in the country as well provide them the rights to education and labor.

Awareness Initiatives

Apart from running empowering programs on ground, we also champion the refugee plight through awareness building content on our platforms. We believe in engaging in meaningful discussion to tackle bias and misinformation about the refugee narrative.