Women for Refugees

Mobilizing Refugee Women in becoming leaders within their Refugee Communities. We believe in re-shaping the refugee narrative through empowering programs and dignified stories.

Women for Refugees (WFR) is committed to solving the refugee crisis through pursuing the economic narrative, crowdfunding, education and civic engagement.

Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)

We aim to empower and upskill refugee women in becoming community leaders through educational classes, humanitarian aid, medical support and financial building programs for low income communities. We believe in bridging the gap between marginalized refugee communities and local Malaysians in an effort to champion civic engagement, human rights and economic freedom for all.

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Refugee Women For Refugee Communities.

Women For Refugees (WFR) is committed to driving sustainability in our work with marginalized communities and outreach initiatives - motivated to elevate the plight of refugee women in a meaningful way.

As of today, we run English and Financial Literacy Classes, Humanitarian Aid Programs in the midst of COVID-19 and Medical Fundraising initiatives with our refugee communities.

Our Past Initiatives and Programs

  • Refugee Women Development Program (RWDP)

    RWDP is our flagship program that focuses on upskilling refugee women in language and financial literacy as well as empowering them through skill-based training such as sewing, crochet and knitting classes.

  • The Comfort Project (TCP)

    The Comfort Project is our medical wing where we tackle ad-hoc refugee clinical cases through health aid, crowdfunding, health facility check-ups, and liaising with different organizations such as: UNHCR, Mercy Malaysia, Malaysian Relief Agency, The Tzuchi Foundation, KAKAK Foundation and Doctors On Ground.

  • Food For Thought (FFT)

    Food For Thought is our humanitarian aid program that aims to provide basic necessities and food aid especially in hard times of COVID-19 pandemic. We’ve collaborated with organizations like KAKAK Foundation & EcoKnights, to distribution of food and sanitary packages to an entire community of refugees.

Follow our journey.

Get Involved.

Whether you’re most comfortable contributing your voice to amplifying our advocacy goals, donations to supporting our women and organization, or your time and energy to lobby our governments into implementing change, Women For Refugees (WFR) are looking for young changemakers. Are you ready to make a great impact? Help us create change within the marginalized communities in Malaysia.
